28 January 2009

I Can Purl

I learned as I made this:


  1. Sweet!
    I love knitting. You've put me in mind that I need a project... :)

  2. It was fun to do. I've actually got another one, yellow, that will be a gift, nearly completed.

  3. Way to go purl girl! I knew you could do it!

  4. Awesomeness!!! Is that a dishcloth? What did you type of yarn did you use? I have recipes...ok, patterns...for all kinds of dishcloths but have no idea what type of yarn would be best to use to make 'em.

  5. Yep, that's a dishcloth! It's exciting! If I can make myself keep it up then I'm going to be making several: my old dishcloths are wearing out and I like these much better. I used all cotton yarn (the pattern recommended it) and the brand we had here is Sugar N Cream. They've got some fun colors, though I do think they should have more in the jewel tone category. Those are the colors that make me happiest, particularly for a kitchen. But they're not too bad. And it's not terribly expensive to buy the yarn either. This green one took a long time, but the time in the yellow one is already much less. So we'll see. Somewhere I'm adding a stitch and I think that I need to figure out what's up with that before I try another pattern. The booklet that I'm using has 14 dishcloth patterns, and seems like a good place to learn a few more things before I go back to trying socks. I really want to knit some socks!

  6. Coolness! I will have to try that as I bought a book with dishcloth patterns some time ago and have yet to make one. =)

    Oh man, I've ALWAYS wanted to make socks, but it looks so dang complicated.

  7. That looks really pretty! It looks like you are good at purling!!


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