02 February 2009

It's Very Strange...

... to have a cat wash your hair for you. But my Anya just did it. Not sure what that's all about. Would someone please let her know that keyboards are not kooshy kitty seats?


  1. Gross, I'll let her know. Send her over here and my kids will whip her into shape. (That's a scary thought isn't it)

  2. it's not so much that the keyboard is her kooshy kitty seat as much as it is her 'subtle' way of saying, "look here human. when we're on my time you only get to play with me, not that clackity board of keys under me."

  3. I didn't find it gross... I've never known a cat to slobber when the give "kitty kisses" as they're known around here. But it was decidedly odd. She sometimes does the same thing Monkey.

    As for the kooshy kitty seat, it's entirely probable that your theory is correct. This time. Other times it's more that the keyboard is just in the way as she checks out some interesting thing on the other side.

  4. We have two cats and I've never had any of them wash my hair, that is rather odd. We do have a cat that will sit on the computer when I'm trying to type something and she's trying to tell me that she wants me to pet her now.

  5. Haha! We're so completely petless around here it took me a minute to figure out how a cat could wash your hair! Weird images floating through my head.


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