05 January 2010

Problem Solving

Monkey loves clementines, and I bought a big bag of them this afternoon. This evening, Monkey had a problem: his inexpert peeling lead to juice squirting into his eye. He jumped down from the table and went into the computer room, and I wondered what he was doing and if he had lost interest in the fruit. But I didn't wonder long. Pretty soon he came back with Daddy, who grabbed Monkey's safety glasses from the top of the fridge. Monkey very happily resumed peeling and then ate the clementine, all with his eyes safely protected by his safety glasses. Good thing he had some!


  1. Haha! That's some quick thinking :)

  2. Hahaha great idea! His little pose looks like "The Thinker" too!

  3. This made me laugh! He sure is a smart boy!

  4. LOL!! I love that boy!! He is amazing!!! When did you get to be such a smarty?!!?!

  5. That is so funny! Kids are a riot :)

  6. Kids are, indeed, very funny! He says more and more funny things all the time. I need to make a scrapbook page for this one soon though, so it doesn't get forgotten.

  7. Quite a kid you have there - quick thinker. Good problem solving skills.


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