07 December 2010

Fall Into Reading: Question 11

If you happen to know how to count, you might notice that 11 does not usually come after 2, but life has been a wee bit busy around here, so that's how I'm counting on this project this time. Even if I'm not doing so hot on the fun questions she asks, I am making some progress in one of the books I wanted to finish off. So here's the question:

Do you ever read the end of a book before you actually get there? Have you sneaked a peek at the last page or two to find out what happens? Or do you faithfully avoid the final pages until you’ve “earned” them by reading to that point?

Nope, never. I never really thought about it as an "earned" thing, either. I just don't like to read the end of the book before I read the beginning. I also very seldom read a 2nd book before I read the first in the series. I find they don't make a lot of sense. And, there's a reason they call 'em "spoilers." It spoils things, knowing ahead of time. (Don't ask me how reading books repeatedly works, cuz I do that all the time, and it doesn't bother me then.)

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