08 January 2010

Weekly Wrap-up: Bubble Wrap Edition

We got several packages in the mail this week that included bubble wrap. Monkey loves it when that happens. He gets the bubble wrap! While there was some "regular" pop-pop-popping, that happened one bubble at a time, Monkey is also beginning to experiment with ways to get a bigger POP out of his bubble wrap.

Phonics: We did some review this week, since it's been several weeks. We're still waiting for the lightbulb to turn on with the blending, though I think we're getting closer.

For Math we did a little of a lot of different things to practice counting. Monkey did some counting and working with our "tiles" on the flannel board, where we made groups of 2 and then copied each other's groupings, and talked about how it's still 2 if you change the way the tiles look. This was an activity from our Math Expressions book. We still need to do it for 4 and 5, but Monkey didn't have the stamina to do those at the time. We also played Uno one day, and Hi Ho Cherry-O another. It was a good week for math.

Monkey had a couple of different Art projects this week, which he very much enjoyed. He loves to use my scrapbooking punches, so we did some "scrapbooking" one evening. I realized that one of the reasons we have Aunts and Uncles who are disappointed about not getting any "refrigerator art" for a long time is that most of the "art" that we do is rather open-ended, and it ends up chopped into tiny bits, which does not lend itself to display. I tried a coffee filter art project this week, with sponges and food coloring, but the results were disappointing, so there's no final product yet. I'm thinking that we can do it again and get better results, we just haven't gotten to it.

Read other Weekly-Wrap-ups at the Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers' blog.


  1. I can't blame him, I love bubble wrap too :) It has never occurred to me to send art to Aunts and Uncles, my brother would love that. He loves showing off his nephews!


  2. Blending took forever for us too! Sounds like a good week!

  3. Yeah, the Aunts & Uncles do seem to enjoy it. And I like sending out the art too, because then I don't ever have to throw it away, which I don't like to do. Even though I recognize it occasionally has to be done. I'll just pawn that little chore off on someone else that's a little more removed from the situation! ;P

    Blending practice is going well, so I'm pleased. I can tell that he's weak on some vowels. But we've done a LOT more work with A than any other, so that's to be expected. Really, since we spent much of the week debating taking him to the doctor's office, and I'm constantly exhausted from being in the first trimester of my pregnancy, I'm pretty pleased with how it went.


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