11 January 2010


We had a lovely time experimenting with Vinegar. I got that thrifted library book out this morning, because I've got a doctor's appointment in a few days and we'll have to go right past that library, so I thought I'd best do a couple of those experiments before we do that on Wednesday. When I got looking at it, quite a few of the ones that we have the ingredients for call for vinegar. So we did a few. Monkey liked to watch, wanted to drip vinegar, but he didn't want to touch.

First, we polished up some pennies.

Then, we did some "volcano" reactions. Though Monkey liked to keep an even fizz, rather than an explosive uprising. He told me I was doing it wrong when I tried to show him how to make it overflow.

We had a good time doing it. He told me that he liked the "fizzy one" the best.


  1. It's cute... but did you mean to post the penny one twice?

  2. Vinegar is an amazing liquid. So much it can do! It can even make for a fun day with kids :-).

  3. Uh... no. This was SUPPOSED to be 2 *different* videos. Lemmie go fix that. Thanks.

  4. Too fun! We love doing "experiments" around here. Great ideas.

  5. What fun, and especially with videos! Thanks for submitting this to the Hands On Homeschool blog carnival!

  6. Glad you enjoyed it - thanks for visiting!

  7. Thanks for sharing!! It was a bonus to be able to see a video =)

  8. I'm glad that it was useful to you; we had a good time doing it.


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