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16 March 2011

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We'll start off with an unexpected birth story: An Open Letter to the Nurse at Cedars Sinai that Called me a Failure.

I swiped this love song from my cousin's blog. My favorite part is the couples at the beginning, but the song is also great.

The Headmistress posted this Bizarre Depression-Era Recipe. I'm so NOT trying it!

This one is from the message boards: apparently she had a BEAR living under the porch... all winter long?!? She even put up pictures from when it climbed their tree, and the realized it wasn't a mouse.

This is a great post about using manipulatives in math. I'd love to get some more of those - and the blocks they were using in her pictures looked awesome!

I think this guy, if the claims about him predicting a previous earthquake are real, looks a bit too credible for my comfort. In any case, his theory is very interesting.

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