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22 April 2016

On Classical Education: Series Index

I've discovered that Dr. Perrin, of Classical Academic Press, has a lovely series of lectures about Classical Pedagogy, and I'm having a lovely time going through them and learning from what he says about Classical Education, both in terms of why and how, then blogging about what I've learned.

 Dr. Perrin's lectures are available on YouTube:

Eight Essential Principles of Classical Pedagogy
Festina Lente: Make Haste Slowly
Multum Non Multa: Do Few Things, But Do Them Well
Education and Memory: Repetitio Mater Memoriae  
Embodied Learning
Songs, Chants, and Jingles: How Singing Delights Students Makes Learning Permanent 
Wonder and Curiosity: Affection for Truth, Goodness, and Beauty
Educational Virtues: Cultivating Habits of Learning 
Restoring Schole to School: Cultivating Restful Learning
Docendo Discimus: By Teaching We Learn

And an essay from Dr. Perrin:

Once More, What Is Classical Education?

I have several posts written or planned for this series, which can be found here:

Character is the True Aim
Cultivation of Godly Character
What is a Student? 
Make Haste Slowly
Much Not Many
Ordered Affections
Repetition is the Mother of Memory
Repetition and the Habit of Attention
Embodied Learning (part 1)
Embodied Learning (part 2)Songs Chants and Jingles
Wonder and Curiosity
Educational Virtues
By Teaching We Learn
Classical Education is Like a Table

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