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25 August 2017

See Well to Draw Well

My first job in high school was doing odd jobs at a family-run assisted living place. One of my coworkers was one Jay Fullmer, and he could draw anything. Seriously. Among other things he's done, he had his work in the Birds in Art exhibit at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum one year. His birds look like they're ready to take flight off the canvas. In the quiet afternoons, he would sometimes work on this or that while he watched over the elderly residents.

I could barely draw stick figures; I was in awe.

One day, after I'd watched him work on a painting of songbird -I still remember vividly how the bird's head was turned to the side, so you could see the beak and one eye- I asked him, "How'd you do that?!" --and he told me:

Continue reading at The Homeschool Review Crew's blog.

1 comment:

Rozy Lass said...

Great post! One of my first boyfriends was an artist. His favorite media was pastels, so he taught me to see colors which opened up a whole new world to me. I read that book (Drawing . . ) and want to add that seeing well and then practicing are what advances skill, just like any other area. Thanks for sharing.


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