...In real life, the creation of protected classes sharpens intergroup tensions and leads to competition for victim status...
So. Here is one person's take on What Censorship Does, and why censorship is a Bad Idea. I mean, do we really want more competition for the Biggest Victim Award? Being a person of strong opinions (that I'm sure are sometimes offensive to certain 'victim' groups), the idea that I could no longer voice my opinions is somewhat scary: after all, what's the point of having a well thought out, reasoned, informed opinion if you're not going to act on it? Isn't the whole idea of voting based on opinion? In my opinion, Canadate X is going to do a better job than Canadate Y, so I will vote for X. So, if free speech goes away, can we expect our votes to eventually follow? And if no strong opinions are allowed, then what is the point anyway?