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02 March 2010

Article: Natural Law: the ultimate source of Constitutional Law

The Founders DID NOT establish the Constitution for the purpose of granting rights. Rather, they established this government of laws (not a government of men) in order to secure each person's Creator­ endowed rights to life, liberty, and property. ...

Herein lay the security for men's individual rights - an immut­able code of law, sanctioned by the Creator of man's rights, and designed to promote, preserve, and protect him and his fellows in the enjoyment of their rights. They believed that such natural law, revealed to man through his reason, was capable of being understood by both the ploughman and the professor.



Unknown said...

Well said my dear. We had a great time last Saturday. When should we do it again? Maybe when the weather isn't so muddy and yucky!!

Anne Chovies said...

Down south of Milwaukee there is a building on the east side of the freeway with a big sign saying somehting about "natural law". I've always wondered what that was about. Maybe its something like this.

Ritsumei said...

Oops, I see that I forgot the link to the rest of the article. That's corrected now. I think they said it very well, but I don't want to take credit!

I've seen that building, and often wondered the same thing. Since starting to study the Constitution it's an idea that I've come across several times, and googling it makes it seem like that's the usual meaning.


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