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30 January 2015

Weekly Wrap-up: She's 2!

We started out our week with a bang: Tigress had her birthday on Monday. It was fun to watch; we haven't had any other birthdays since August, so she really had no idea what was going on, or what she was supposed to do with candles and presents. She figured it out, though!

She got her very own Iron Man action figure -she calls him, "Man!"- as well as some play food and a stuffed zebra.

She and Dragon spent the rest of the afternoon cooking up the play food. "Num!" 

Hero is now tearing through the Percy Jackson books, and I'm beginning to think that he's going tone tough to keep in books. Thursday evening, we picked up book four. By bedtime, he had a good start. 

Saturday, the boys have their first violin recital. They've been practicing hard. We even had a late-night practice recital for my sister. 

Nana and Grandpa were able to come for the recital, and they brought Tigress a birthday present. She was hilarious! It took her about 3 days to finally stop playing peek-a-boo with the cute little frog they got her. 

Sometimes, she even put other pets in the box with it. 

She finally did get the frog out (Hero helped), and surprise surprise, it's an adorable little guy and she likes him! 

As far as school last week, we had a light week because all the kids have been, to one degree or another, under the weather. This slowed things down, but didn't stop them entirely. Hero worked on finding patterns in addition charts. We took several highlighters to his work to help us see what we were. We also spent time slowly working through the Declaration of Independece. That's slow going, but very satisfying. We've had some great conversations. 

Our second week was also a good one.  We headed out with the Daddy on one of his business trips early in the week. Spent a lovely evening in the hotel listening to Librivox's Famous American Statesmen and coloring pictures of uniforms worn in the Revolution, American Indians, and tall ships. Hero, as usual, did well with narrating. Dragon is just starting to narrate, and it's fun to see him start to get the hang of it. 

We had dinner at Dairy Queen, which was a big hit. 

We also managed to get out to our Nature Study park. The pond area is closed, but we have been enjoying the other parts of the park. Today, we're going to try some new things with our nature notebooks. Some of the ladies that use Ambleside gave me some tips on using watercolors. I'm excited to try them in my art journal as well as my nature notebook. There should be a post coming soon about the whole watercoloring thing; it's that awesome.

And that's our two weeks! There's some other routine stuff, but this was the best bits.

Stop by Chris's blog to see what other homeschoolers are doing with their time!

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