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16 March 2015

Artist Study: John James Audubon

We've finally pretty well wrapped up our work with Winslow Homer. There's a local museum that's got some of his works on display that I want to get the kids to, but otherwise, I think we've done all we're going to. The idea was to look at a painting a week for 7 weeks, and we started clear last July. It's taken way longer than that to do it, and we didn't do all the paintings. But we did do an artist study, and the family did get increased exposure to some good art. We even did some art copywork, and Hero and I tried our hand at painting something that Homer had painted. That's something. It was fun. We learned stuff. So I'm going to call it success, and we're going to do it again, this time with John James Audubon.

Having the pictures pre-selected and on my blog was key to how we managed to keep the project going, even if it was slower than anticipated. So Here are the pictures that we'll be working on from Audubon:

Carolina Pidgeon (now Mourning Dove)
photo credit: Wikipedia

American Crow
photo credit: Wikipedia

Townsend Rocky Mountain Hare
photo credit: WikiArt

White-Headed Eagle
photo credit: WikiArt

Red-winged Starling (now Red-winged Blackbird)
photo credit: WikiArt


Rozy Lass said...

We live in Audubon, Iowa, named for the artist; there's a statue of him in the town square, a mural in the post office, and a mosaic in the library. He's a fascinating man. Any time you want to visit, let me know!

Ritsumei said...

How fun! I'll have to mention that to the boys. We did the "White-Headed Eagle" today, and talked a little about Audubon, but I had no idea that he had a place named after him. Thanks! (Sadly, a visit is not in the budget right now, but thanks!)


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