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18 December 2006

Language and God

Fascinating! I am having some lovely new thoughts this afternoon. I've been reading the FAQs about Classical Christian Homeschooling, which is a very language-oriented philosophy of education. They have some interesting thoughts on why it is so important to master language:

Why is this language mastery so important? It is because God is a God of His Word. He spoke, and it came to be. He has chosen to reveal Himself to man by the Word. “The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth,” (John 1:14). (Read the rest of the article here.)

That particular passage of scripture has always puzzled me. I've never been able to make heads nor tails of it, but today I feel like I have a start at understanding it. When you consider that God is a God of His word, then it starts to make more sense. He is bound by His word, by the things that He says that He will do. He has given us the scriptures, but we have to work at it to understand the old language they use. Of course, this passage also is in reference to Christ as the Word. I still don't have the whole thing figured out, but I'm getting closer, I think.

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