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15 March 2008

Easter Ideas

Last year Andy and I decided to add the Easter Bunny to the list of holiday figures that are not "invited" to our house. (The bunny joins Santa & the elves.) So we needed some new traditions for Easter, particularly ones that are focused on Christ. We had a list of ideas that we worked up after Easter last year, but in the process of moving to the new calendar at the beginning of the year the list got lost without getting put on the calendar. It's very sad, because we had some good ideas for things to do this week leading up to Easter. So here I am, trying to put it back together and have something for the next week as we prepare to celebrate Easter. Here's what I have so far:

For Palm Sunday:
A cute "palm" banner that we will be making for Family Home Evening, along with reading about the Triumphal Entry. The idea is from this lovely blog.
Monday - Thursday:
Our family scripture reading will be from the last week of Christ's life. I haven't got any other brilliant ideas for these days.

Good Friday: I'm going to my parents' house, and we were going to cook anyway, so I think I'll talk them into doing Hot Cross Buns. This recipe looks good.

Saturday: Probably do some of the Easter scriptures from the Book of Mormon. Nothing else planned at this point.

Easter Sunday: Obviously, we'll be going to church. I'd like to do some sort of Easter dinner, but really, I'm pretty much floundering here.

So what do you folks plan on doing for Easter? I'd love to have some great ideas. I'm thinking that looking at the passover, maybe eating some matzo crackers, something like that, would be a good idea. But I've got nothing concrete in mind right now.

1 comment:

Jessica Madsen said...

Martin's family always had "significant" foods for dinner...fig newtons ('cause the kids didn't like real figs), angel food cake, corn, lamb, etc. During the meal they would talk about why they were eating those foods (a bit like a passover seder) and talk about Jesus.


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