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21 May 2008

Working on Weight

My scale is currently fussing about some low battery problems. Thinks that it needs electricity to run or something. So I have no idea what my weight is today. Which is probably just as well, as I haven't been doing very well the past several weeks. But I've begun to harbor the suspicion that my weight is interfering with my fertility. It's gotta go. That and we realized that the new shoes that I got a couple months ago were hurting my feet. And my knees. So Andy took me out and we got another pair of shoes and these schnazzy insert thingys. Those suckers practically run themselves; I just have to come along for the ride. It's amazing! So there's a 5k that the ladies from church are running. They're actually also doing a 2k, but I'll be out of town, so I'll be missing that. But the plan is to do the 5k. I signed up for the Runner's World training journal. It's pretty cool. Tracks how far & how long you run each week, month, year, and also tells you how many miles you've run since you started the journal. I'm starting pretty small: I went just over 1/2 mile yesterday afternoon. But I started. I got out there with my schnazzy shoes and my jogging stroller. And the Boy enjoyed it too: he wouldn't get out of the stroller for about 1/2 hour after we got home.


Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Hi there! Glad you visited my blog. Good to see you again. Yes, Tales from the Scales shut down because Beth, who ran it, lost her twin boys about halfway through her pregnancy. It's been too traumatic for her to focus on TFTS.

Many of us who were there have joined up with The Healthy You Challenge. If you are interested, there's a link on my blog.

Sending hugs and prayers.
Path to Health

Ritsumei said...

Thanks, I'll check them out.

Anonymous said...

My shins are bothering me and I've been thinking about getting fitted for some proper shoes by a professional. Maybe I should try to find some of those inserts.

Ritsumei said...

Might be worth it. They were $20, but they sure make a difference! I was amazed. I've never had shoes that were this good, and since I had a very similar shoe from the same company before, I'm sure that some of the kooshy goodness in my shoes is from the insert.


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