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23 April 2011

Links and Links

I've run across a number of really inspiring posts on homeschool blogs lately. Here's a few of my favorites:

Burying the Big Yellow Bus - a mom talks about her fears as she's homeschooled for the past 11 years, and how they've turned out to be completely unfounded.

Don’t we all wonder, every now and then, if they are missing out on

Jamie took a good long look at herself and shared some beautiful thoughts about the Lord and growing as a woman in Moment by Moment.

Sometimes I love the insights God shows me. But other times? Not so much.

I picked up some good ideas from the brand new edition of the Carnival of Homeschooling too. For instance, a marble math game that I think we'll be playing here soon. The Read-aloud Dad recommends the Horrible History series... and I think that might be right up Monkey's alley. He sure liked learning about those bugs, anyway!

And, since we're studying birds, I thought that it might be useful for me to have a look at All About Birds' Bird Identification Tutorial. My favorite method of bird identification is to get a picture and have a leisurely look at my field guide. But perhaps I can learn enough that there will be other ways of identifying new species. There are certainly enough for me to practice on; I don't know that many yet!

Then there's this clever Scripture Cookies recipe. Monkey may be a tad young, but it looks like so much fun we may try it anyway.

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