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12 February 2008

Playing Outside

I was thinking about Charlotte Mason today, and how she says that it's important to go out even in inclement weather, if only for a few minutes. And I was thinking about Sprite and Jimmie's recent discovery of their ice leaves, and how cool is that! And it occurred to me that if I ever want to see such a nifty thing I have to be outside when it's COLD. I can, from time to time, be a bit of a wimp about the cold. But those ice leaves were pretty cool looking. So I bundled us up and we went out to put footprints in our pristine snow this afternoon. And it was fun! I was glad we went. And my toes are not any colder than they would normally be for having been out there, which is nice.

Not long before we went in I decided to take a movie because the pictures just weren't doing Monkey's funny snow walk justice. Yeah, I know the second movie is sideways. I forgot again. And the camera's batteries died as I started to turn it. But he's cute anyway.

I think I need some hot chocolate now.


Keeley said...

Haha, so cute!! And so brave. Brrrrrr.

Ritsumei said...

I was feeling pretty brave. And I sometimes get to feeling guilty because I don't take the Monkey out very much. And Sprite's ice leaves were amazing and if I want to ever see something like that, well, I have to be OUTSIDE from time to time. Not to mention that it makes for cute pictures, which is one of my favorite things!

Unknown said...

Wow! Fun in the snow! Awesome! :-)
And I love the cornstarch mixture post. That stuff is so fun. We even saw an episode of Mythbusters where they made a huge vat of it and ran across it. We need to make this again. Even I think it's great fun!
(But the food coloring kinda made it look like throw up. Sorry. LOL!)
Blessings to you!

Ritsumei said...

I've been thinking that it looked a lot like puke, but I didn't want to say so, in case (by some miracle) someone else hadn't thought that particular yucky thought already, LOL! It's the same thing that my Mom said when she saw it. I'm thinking that a new batch might be in order, just so I can get a little less carried away with the colors. Purple would be pretty!

misskate said...

Aw.. he's so very cute :) I'm glad that your camera takes video! Very nice touch.

Anne Chovies said...

Love the video - cute little kid.

Ritsumei said...

I'm getting to really enjoy my video feature too... although I could really use a thing that would tip the videos right side-up when I forget and do it wrong.


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