There's a new carnival in town: one specifically for the Classical Homeschooler! I'm looking forward to reading the articles that people submit; there are some very smart folks using Classical methods and I'm anxious to learn from you all! The current edition is accepting submissions until Oct 18 and will be posted on Oct 20. Additionally, if you are interested in hosting an edition of the carnival, please let me know!
Just wanted to let you know that I have added your site to my blogroll : I stumbled across you due to the new Carnival of Classical Homeschooling. I'll try to submit a post to the carnival -- hope it does well.
You and I are coming from different places in some respects (e.g., religion); however, I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your posts on natural rights -- that was once considered obvious common sense among Americans, but few now know what it means at all.
I'll have to write some posts on my own blog on the subject and link to some of yours. I'll also have to write a post on Congressman Paul's bill to audit the Fed.
All the best,
The Homeschooling Physicist
I'm looking forward to seeing your post! So far, there are not many posts submitted, but it's still a while to the deadline and it's the first edition, so even a small carnival will be wonderful.
I have many friends of many different faiths, and hope that you will be comfortable here in spite of any differences! I'm glad that you like my writing enough to link to it; thank you! Let me know when you put up your post(s), I'd love to read it.
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