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17 October 2009

A Busy Week

Been a busy week! We took a trip during the first part of the week, so we didn't have much academics during that time. While we were out we visited a good friends' firehouse which was a good time. It was Mom's first time at a firehouse too.

We also checked out a photography exhibit at a local museum. Monkey surprised me with how enthusiastic at the museum! He wanted me to take pictures of a bronze statue (not allowed), and examined the beautifully carved guardrail on the stairs, and then was happy as a clam in the lower level's kids section: the "touching part." He was pretty disappointed when I eventually insisted that we had to go home.

Not too much this week, other than that. A few letter games. I'm looking at Math Expressions as a possible math "text," though we wouldn't be using it in a "text" sort of way for a long time yet. I got to look at copy of the workbook & teachers' manual this week, and I'm thinking this looks pretty good, though we haven't made a final decision yet. I also talked with Mom, who uses the series in her classroom, and have some ideas for math games to make and play in the mean time, as we finish deciding what we're going to do and do something about the decision.

No art this week, though I would have liked to. I'm thinking that we should do a car-painting, where he uses some of his little (easily washable) cars to paint tracks, perhaps on a T, for "tracks." But that has ended up needing to wait for next week.

Mom's Ed:
I read some more in America's Constitution this week, which was very interesting. I blogged a bit about the three-fifths clause. The next chapter is about the Congressional Powers spelled out in Article I, and I'm looking forward to getting a clearer idea of what those are.


Cheryl Pitt said...

I love when our kids get excited about art and other unexpected topics :) Why wouldn't they let you take a photo :(

How do you find time to fit in Mommy Education? I think that's great! I need to get better organized so I can have more time for me and not laundry :)

Erica said...

Visiting the firehouse/firetruck is always so much fun. We did that not to long ago and it's a hit for all ages!

Ritsumei said...

Well, I forgot to ask this time, but last year when we went to the Nutcracker display they had some very specific rules about photography. Since I'd forgotten to ask & a three year old it too spontaneous to go downstairs & ask & then go back upstairs and get the picture... I just told him I thought it was against the rules: we were in an area where it wasn't allowed last time.

As for the Mom's Ed, this time I read while I was on the bike exercising. And that was pretty much it for the week. It was only a few pages. But a few pages here and there starts to add up over time so I keep at it. I find that when I let it go I start to feel boring, and stop having much to say when I talk to my husband, and I don't want that!

The firehouse was great. It was a real treat, and I'll be that we get requests for more. Today, when we told him, "buckethead" for the bucket he put on his head he told us it was a "helmet," which is pretty directly from that firehouse trip.

Stefanie said...

Trips to the firehouse are always fun. The department around here always has a great big homeschooler day with lots of planned activities for us. We look forward to it every year.


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