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07 August 2008

An Answer to my Burning Question

In my last post, I wondered why I'd never been told about the abortifacint action of oral contraceptives. The author answers that question.

The published indications of Pill-caused abortions is substantial. But it is spread out in dozens of obscure and technical scientific journals. Consequently, not only is the most significant evidence not in print, but relatively few physicians—and almost no one in the general public—have ever seen the most compelling evidence that is in print. If they have heard anything at all, it has only been piecemeal. The evidence that has managed to make it to publication has fallen through the cracks and failed to get the attention of physicians.

Many well-meaning physicians, including Christians, and including Ob/GYNs and Family Practitioners, simply are not aware of this evidence. I know this, because that's exactly what a number of them have told me. This is not entirely surprising. Consider the staggering amount of medical knowledge that currently exists. Now picture the average physician who is both conscientious and overworked, swamped with patients. He might read medical journals in an area of special interest, but there is no way any human being can be fully appraised of the tens of thousands of medical studies conducted each year in this country.

When patients hear someone suggest the Pill causes abortions, they will often come to their physician, who may be prolife, and ask if this is true. The physician may sincerely say, "According to my understanding, the Pill just prevents conception, it doesn't cause abortions. You have nothing to be concerned about."

Most physicians assume that if the Pill really caused abortions, they would surely know it. In most cases they are not deliberately misleading their patients. Unfortunately, the bottom line is that their patients do end up misled. Based on their physician's reassurances, they don't look into the matter further—nor would most know where to look even if they wanted to. In reality, the dedicated physician is extremely busy and confident that the Pill only prevents conception; typically he too does not take the time to do the necessary research.

An isolated reference here or there simply isn't sufficient to change or even challenge the deeply ingrained pro-Pill consensus of medicine, society or the church. If Time magazine devoted a cover story to the subject, the information would reach a popular level in a way it never has before. But Time and most of its readers would have little interest in the subject. Perhaps eventually a major Christian magazine will present this research to the people who should care the most. So far this has not happened.

I'm linking to the full text of his pamphlet. My quote is from a little more than 1/2 way through part 2.

Does the Birth Control Pill Cause Abortions?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Can I just say at this point that I love Natural Family Planning and I particularly love the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler! The book's got a website, or you can buy it here.

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