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11 August 2008

My Aunt's Chickens ('n things)

I said that I'd post some of the pictures from our trip to Utah. It's taken some time to deal with the sheer mass of pictures (1500+), but I'm finally starting to get there!

This is my Aunt. That first picture is my Uncle & my 3 youngest sibs. It was snowing. In June.

Here's Nana introducing Monkey to the horses.

And these are the Chickens. The organic (I think they were organic), free-range, very expensive chickens.

Lots of chickens.

They had a rooster too.

And some dogs.

My sister really loves dogs.

And their horses were very popular.

They had some nice scenery.

But I, city kid that I am, kept going back to the chickens.

This chicken had eggs.

But the morning we were leaving for Grandma's house, the eggs hatched.

So Monkey got to touch a baby chick that was only hours old.

The reason I kept going back to the chickens (besides I'm cityfolk and it was just novel to have chickens around) was that they were so fat they couldn't run. Unless they spread their wings and sorta waddle-flapped to wherever it was they thought they needed to be in a hurry.

It made me laugh. I wanted a picture.


misskate said...

Ah!! These pictures are so great! I love the flapping chickens.. I may have to steal those pictures and add them to my screen saver slide show :)
And the pictures with the baby chicks are precious.

Ritsumei said...

Slow day at work today? I see you were here at 11. =D

I'm thinking that I need to send this email to Josh. He'd like it. I sent him a bunch of my other pictures in snail mail, but I didn't have any chicken pictures developed, and so it just didn't tell the chicken story. And the animals were such a big part of the visit to Wyoming!


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