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28 August 2008

Listening the Democrats

I'm listening to the Democratic National Convention tonight. I've got some very serious problems with Mr. Obama. I will not be voting for him. But I must admit that he is a great speaker. However, as he was listing off some of his friends who helped him get to the point where he could accept the nomination, I found that nearly every name on the list - Mr. Clinton, Mr. Kennedy, ect, these are people who I am constantly wondering what (or if) they are thinking.

He's whipping the crowd into a frenzy. And it sounds good. I have to keep reminding myself there's more to a man than his ability to speak. He's a very talented speaker. One of the best political speakers I've heard. But when you actually look at him, at the things he's done, the things he says, it's disturbing. Things like abortion, I have some very serious issues with his stand on abortion. The Headmistress expressed it beautifully. She also quotes Peggy Noonan's entertaining comments.

Mr. Obama talks about ending the partisan nastiness that happens in politics. I wonder if that means that he's going to refrain from any negative adds and just focus on what he's going to do right, rather than dwelling on what Mr. McCain does wrong?

The other day I was listening to public radio talk about what Mr. Obama's race means to and about the state of "race relations" in America. There seems to be a lot of talk about his race. I think that if there is something about him that's important it would much more be that he comes from a working class, single parent home. That education and ambition have propelled him from obscurity into the national stage. The question of race, in my mind, is irrelevant and I wish the media would spend less time talking about that and more actually looking at issues.

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